open by default

a data management strategy

June 12, 2023


My role - Open Science Specialist

  • research data management
  • reproducible workflows
  • mindset for Open Science
  • research communication
  • teaching data science tools
  • proposal writing

Data Management Strategy


Data at Global Health Engineering

  • small (few MBs)
  • tabular
  • non-sensitive
  • topics
    • waste management
    • sanitation
    • air quality
    • etc.

Pain Points

Lost and overwhelmed

  • terminology
  • licensing
  • security
  • repositories

Alt text

Computational tools

  • intimidating
  • hard
  • not everyone’s business

Alt text

Scientist as a lone ranger

  • acts alone
  • exposure to tools
  • own stack of tools
  • the way to do it

Lone bird on top of a dead tree.


Thanks! 🌻


Slides created via revealjs and Quarto:

Source code: GitHub

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