Swiss Reproducibility Conference

Plan for tomorrow today: why you need a data steward

June 10, 2024

hands up

Who has an ORCID iD?

hands up

Who has published a scientific article in a journal?

Meet a data steward

I have:

  • 10+ years work experience (5 in research)
  • empathy, compassion, patience, persistance
  • an affinity for IT
  • teaching experience

I don’t have:

  • a doctoral degree
  • a qualification in computer science
  • a qualification in statistics
  • a lot of time

Your turn: Think & Note

For 1 minute, think about these two questions and take some notes for later:

  1. How should I be rewarded scientifically?

  2. Which career paths are there for data stewards?

Research Data Management

Three terms for three stages

term explanation file format
unprocessed raw data data that is not processed and remains in its original form and file type often XLSX, also CSV and others

Three terms for three stages

term explanation file format
unprocessed raw data data that is not processed and remains in its original form and file type often XLSX, also CSV and others
processed analysis-ready data data that is processed to prepare for an analysis and is exported in its new form as a new file CSV, R data package

Three terms for three stages

term explanation file format
unprocessed raw data data that is not processed and remains in its original form and file type often XLSX, also CSV and others
processed analysis-ready data data that is processed to prepare for an analysis and is exported in its new form as a new file CSV, R data package
final data underlying a publication data that is the result of an analysis (e.g descriptive statistics or data visualization) and shown in a publication, but then also exported in its new form as a new file CSV

Data Management Strategy

Invest now!

Funding schemes


  • 2021 - 2024: swissuniversities - Open Science I
  • 2025 - 2028: swissuniversities - Open Science II (CHF 30 million requested)
  • Watch: Measure B5.2 - Professionalisation of ORD specialists and related services
  • Newsletter sign-up:

Funding schemes

ETH Board

  • 2021 - 2024: ~ 100 projects funded (~ CHF 10 million in total)
  • ORD 8th Contribute (30k) guidelines, expected due date in August 2024
  • motivates early career scientists to prepare proposals
  • Newsletter sign-up: (bottom of page)

Thanks 🌻

Headshot of Lars Schöbitz

Slides created via revealjs and Quarto:

Source code of slides on GitHub:

This material is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International.

Additional slides

Meet a Prof

  • working long hours
  • sitting in committees
  • stuck in meetings
  • teaching, grading, supervising & mentoring

Meet a Prof

  • working long hours
  • sitting in committees
  • stuck in meetings
  • teaching, grading, supervising & mentoring

“We decided that you now need to share your data, following FAIR principles, and also publish your code for reproducibility.” - the funding agency, the publisher